【講座公告】專書講座:「乞丐喇嘛」:青藏邊地的文化生存 Book Talk: The Beggar Lama: Cultural Survival at the Fringes of the Tibetan Plateau


Book Talk: The Beggar Lama: Cultural Survival at the Fringes of the Tibetan Plateau
主持人:陳奕麟 ( 國立陽明交通大學文化研究國際中心專任研究員)
日期 :2025 年 1 月 9 日( 星期四 )
時間:2:00 - 4:00 pm
地點:陽明交大光復校區 人社二館 F106A 教室
本講座將深入探討藏傳佛教博學者 Tsanlha Ngawang—「乞丐喇嘛」—的非凡人生。他的一生生動呈現了20世紀中國深刻的社會與政治變遷。Ngawang 出生於漢藏交接的嘉絨地區,他的人生經歷展現了文化韌性、意識形態轉變與精神批判之間的複雜交織。
講座將聚焦 Ngawang 生命中的幾個關鍵時刻,包括他對藏文化存續的深刻思考、對宗教階層固有體制的批判性反思,以及他對精神復興的遠見卓識。Ngawang 的故事提供了一個獨特的視角,揭示藏文化傳統如何在威權主義與現代化的非人化力量下展現出堅韌與活力,並探索其在當代背景下的重要意義。
最後,講座將從理論層面剖析漢藏過渡帶的張力,探討當地文化存續行動的「湧現」過程,重點分析 Ngawang 在嘉絨地區為抵抗文化消亡所做的努力,呈現一個生動且深具啟發性的文化延續案例。
Tenzin Jinba 在國立新加坡大學社會學及人類學系任教。其研究領域頗為廣泛,包括邊界研究、歷史社會學、口述歷史等,並著有專書《 In the Land of the Eastern Queendom: The Politics of Gender and Ethnicity on the Sino-Tibetan Border》及《The Beggar Lama: The Life of the Gyalrong Kuzhap》。此外,他亦撰寫與合編了許多人類學、社會學及歷史學相關文章。
Book Talk: The Beggar Lama: Cultural Survival at the Fringes of the Tibetan Plateau 
Speaker: Tenzin Jinba (Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, National University of Singapore;Visiting Scholar, Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica)
Convener: Allen Chun (Research Fellow, International Center for Cultural Studies, NYCU)
Date: 2025/1/9 (Thursday)
Time: 2:00 - 4:00 pm
Venue: F106A, HSS Building 2, Guangfu Campus, NYCU
*The talk will be held in Mandarin, English Interpretation provided
This talk explores the extraordinary life of Tsanlha Ngawang (the Beggar Lama), a Tibetan Buddhist polymath whose journey reflects the profound social and political upheavals of twentieth-century China. Born in Gyalrong on the Sino-Tibetan frontier, Ngawang’s life encapsulates the dynamic interplay of cultural resilience, ideological shifts, and spiritual critique.
The talk highlights key moments in Ngawang’s life, including his reflections on Tibetan cultural survival, his critique of entrenched religious hierarchies, and his vision for spiritual renewal. His story provides a powerful lens for understanding the endurance of Tibetan traditions and their continuing relevance as a counterbalance to the dehumanizing forces of authoritarianism and modernity.
Finally, the talk concludes with a theoretical framing of the tensions at the Sino-Tibetan frontier and the emergence of cultural survival initiatives there, exemplified by Ngawang’s efforts against cultural erasure in Gyalrong.
【About Speaker】
Tenzin Jinba teaches sociology and anthropology at the National University of Singapore. His research interests encompass border studies, oral history, and social theory. He is the author of In the Land of the Eastern Queendom: The Politics of Gender and Ethnicity on the Sino-Tibetan Border (UW Press, 2013) and The Beggar Lama: The Life of the Gyalrong Kuzhap (Columbia University Press, 2023). Additionally, he has contributed to and co-edited numerous volumes and articles in anthropology, sociology, and history.
Organizer: International Center for Cultural Studies, NYCU, Sub-project: The Geopolitics and Cultural Economy of Societal Relations in a New GreaterChina
Ministry of Education, Higher Education Sprout Project 2.0: "Conflict, Justice, Decolonization 2.0: Asia in Transition in the 21st Century"

